The Truth About Penis Enlargement
The first thing I wanted to touch on is the penis enlargement myth. After seeing all those edge may think that everything about it is fake, it’s not. There’s truth to the fact that you can get larger. The reason why is because men are 20 to 30 percent smaller than they actually could be.
This is just because of our lifestyles, the way that we sit down for most of the day, get out of bed, get everything together, go sit in the car for half an hour, go to the job, sit down for another eight hours, get back in the car on the way back to get home and sit down on the couch.
We aren’t using our lower extremities and blood flow isn’t that they’re the most important part of size for men in the penis department is blood flow. There’s no bone down there, so everything that goes through depends on your blood flow, so that goes into how penis enlargement works.
The Fourth Stage of Erections
Once again, the bursting and burning of testosterone is what fuels our erections, so you need to have blood flow and a good supply of testosterone for your body to do the following. Go through the four stages of an erection for stages of an erection First stage is lip.
Nothing’s moving in that direction at all. Second stage is your hard enough for penetration, but it’s not where it should be. The third stage is where most of us have sex. In the third stage, that’s when your erection is strong. You’re able to penetrate. Sex is fine.
Everything is working. The fourth stage is right before you ejaculate. That stage is called heat and typically you’re not going to last long in that stage because you were about to ejaculate. Being in that stage, that’s where you’re at. Your largest size.
That is the reason why women tend to feel you before you ejaculate because that heat is going off your at your largest size. That’s the difference. So in order to get to and stay larger, you have to be in that fourth stage of erection where you’re. The blood is pushing the boundaries of your current size and insane that there’s other side of penis enlargement that people don’t think about, which is penis atrophy.
Penis Atrophy
The other direction you’re actually getting smaller, so it’s easy to think about. When you think about a eighty nine year old man who’s in the hospital bed, not about it doesn’t look good for well is you look at his penis.
It’s the smallest. It’s been he. He wasn’t that size at 21, hopefully, but that’s the important thing is that you can get smaller if you don’t do techniques to stay large. So what is it that you can do? We always talk about the basics. When you talking about your sexual health, you’re talking about your health first, so exercise, diet, sleep.
Those three things are the contributing factors to your size. The other thing is the testosterone, which is how I learned about all this stuff because African fly increases your level of testosterone, which leads to the possibility of getting a larger penis. You’d still have to do things you can’t, oh well I’m going to take African fly and never exercise and oh yeah, I should get four inches, but that doesn’t make any sense at all.
So those are the things that you should be aware of when it comes to penis enlargement, one that you can get bigger to. You need to stay bigger and three, if you don’t, you will get smaller. We do have a lot of information on in the FlyZones blog that talks about penis enlargement and different techniques.
There are several techniques that you can use that aren’t not hard to do. You just need to know, so check that out and I appreciate you listening in. This is Uncle B your sexual performance advisor with FlyZones. Look forward to talking to you soon. Have a good one.