You will be interested to know that there is a big link between sleep and testosterone. As this study shows, men’s bodies release most of their testosterone during sleep. When we fail to get a good night’s sleep, especially when suffering from sleep apnea, our testosterone levels are naturally lower. There are so many benefits to having average, or even greater than average, levels of testosterone. The benefits of testosterone include:
- Sexual libido
- Muscle gain and strength
- Vigor
- Overall well-being
The study above restricted sleep to only 5 hours a night for young, healthy males. What they found was that testosterone was decreased by 10-15%! That’s a big impact.
Does Sleeping Increase Testosterone?
So then you may be wondering, does sleep increase testosterone? It depends on how much you’re currently sleeping. If you get a full 8 hours of sleep a night, increasing your sleep to 10 hours may not boost testosterone. But if you’re getting less than 8 hours (and the study above shows that 15% of the working population only get 5 hours a night) then increasing sleep will indeed increase your testosterone.
Of course, life is busy, and the demands of work, family, and other pursuits might have you burning the midnight oil and getting up early. But if you want to increase your testosterone and operate at the highest level, the answer is to prioritize sleep.
Does Lack of Sleep Decrease Testosterone?
As the study above shows, yes, a lack of sleep can decrease testosterone. If you struggle to get a full 8 hours of sleep every night consider cutting back on caffeine, exercising more, and making your bedroom a peaceful place without electronic devices.
Sometimes an inability to sleep could be caused by something greater. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the body has trouble breathing during the night. If you stop breathing during your sleep, have problems with snoring, or wake constantly in your sleep, you might talk to your doctor about sleep apnea.
Testosterone and sleep apnea are like oil and water, they don’t mix. Waking up throughout the night prevents you from getting a full, restful night of sleep. This negative correlation between sleep apnea and testosterone could be impacting you. Correct this and you’ll sleep better, feel more rested, and have higher levels of testosterone.
Does High Testosterone Increase Sleep?
So, we’ve already learned that testosterone and sleep are linked. Getting a full night’s sleep can help with testosterone levels in men. But does having higher levels of testosterone help you sleep? Great question. To answer that we turn to this study which shows that yes, indeed, lower levels of testosterone actually negatively impacts sleep.
The article states that men with lower testosterone wake up more often in the night and do not get as high of quality of sleep as men with higher testosterone levels. Consider these two facts. One, as men age their testosterone levels are naturally lower. Two, as men age they unfortunately take longer to fall asleep and do not sleep as well when they were younger. These two facts combined mean that older men naturally have lower levels of testosterone which are further lowered by their poor sleep.
To combat low levels of testosterone and its negative effects, it’s important that men strive to get 8 hours of sleep a night. Talk to your doctor to see if your testosterone levels are where they should be. And while you’re there, ask about African Fly to see if it is right for you.