What Causes Low Libido in Men?
First of all, what is low libido? Libido is generally defined as interest in sexual activity. When a person’s libido is low they will have a decreased interest in sexual activity. Low libido symptoms include a lack of interest in sexual activity, decreased thoughts of sex, and lessened interest in initiating sex. This can happen to married men, single men, and men of all ages. That said, the factors that cause low libido tend to be ones that accumulate later in life (as your career gets more stressful, you begin taking more medication, and as you simply get older).
What causes low libido in men? There are a number of factors that can cause low libido in men. Some of the factors are:
- Low testosterone
- Medication
- Depression
- Illness
- Sleep
- Stress
- Aging
While it is normal for libido to fluctuate, prolonged periods of low libido might signal a health problem or the need for a change in lifestyle.
Can Male Libido Be Restored?
The good news is a loss of libido in men isn’t a permanent change. Libido can be restored. By addressing the above factors a person’s libido can improve. One common cause of decreased lobido is low testosterone in men. A man’s testosterone decreases over time, especially after age 40. Supplementing with additional testosterone is one way to help this. The mix of ingredients in African Fly can help with this. Check out African Fly for yourself.
How Do Men Boost Libido?
Low libido treatment will address the causes of low libido mentioned above. First, speak with your doctor. If one of your medications includes a side effect of low libido perhaps a change can be made there. If you’re feeling depressed, speak with a qualified health professional. Not sleeping well? Consider cutting back on caffeine or getting more exercise. If life is stressful, find outlets to help you relax. Again, exercise is a good one. But also consider meditation, breaks from technology, and spending time with friends and family. By treating the root causes of low libido you can help your libido improve.
Why Is My Boyfriend’s Libido So Low?
Any of the factors above could be the culprit. Examine his lifestyle. Is his life stressful? Is he sleeping poorly? Is he on any medications that might be impacting his libido? Any of these factors could be impacting his libido.
Is It Normal To Lose Libido In A Relationship?
As mentioned, there are a number of reasons why a man’s libido might be low. If you’ve worked through all of those possible causes, perhaps there are other factors. It’s impossible to answer this question specifically for you. But if you think your relationship might be the cause of your low libido, seek out a qualified couples counselor to facilitate honest and useful conversation about your relationship.