The African Fly Challenge
This is the easiest, sexiest and most interesting challenge you will ever come across. The reason for issuing this challenge is because like most things that are very good for you it is easy to forget how useful African Fly really is.
Sort of the “You won’t miss it until the well runs dry” type of thing.
The one question we get all the time from people who haven’t tried African Fly is “Does it work?”. There are 2 answers:
- Yes!
- When you use it consistently
If you ever worked out or trained really hard and then slowed down, it is easy to slowly slip back to a sub par standard and not even realize it. The same is true with taking African Fly consistently and then slowing down. You could be having amazing sex one week and then the next week it is good and then the next is alright.
Over those three weeks you may forget about the amazing sex and settle for alright.
Which is not alright! So the challenge is this…
The Challenge
- Take African Fly as directed for two days and then have sex or have a good hard workout and take good notes on how the sex or workouts were.
- Then do not take African Fly for two days, have sex or a good workout and take good notes.
- Now compare notes from the two.
I can tell you without a doubt from talking to hundreds of African Fly clients over 16 years what the answer will be. African Fly days will always win hands down! I know you would expect me to say that but the truth is the truth.
The reason why we want you to have sex or a workout is because sex is subjective and depends on another person. There really isn’t a super clear way to test it. The sex could be amazing but then they get on your nerves about something which takes away from the experience.
Working out is much easier to test. You can count reps, laps, heart rate or just can plain say one workout day was much harder than the other.
From my own experience I can tell you African Fly makes a huge difference on workout days. Just this past week I missed taken AF in the morning before my chest and back day. It was much harder than before, I got sore quicker and I felt tired afterwards instead of reinvigorated.
Tell Us How You Did & Win A 6 Month Supply
Tell us how your sexual performance and/or workout performance was with and without African Fly and you will win a six month supply of African Fly shipped to you free. Here are the details:
- Details, Details, Details
- The more you tell us the better your chances of winning
- It does not have to be too long…we have other stuff to do too
- E-mail us by December 20, 2015
- The winner will be selected by December 22, 2015
- We will share the winning e-mail (minus personal information) with other African Fly clients
Get Your African Fly Story Going Today
Whether you are ready to take the challenge right now, need to up your African Fly to the recommended dosage or have to order more bottles today…Take The Challenge!
You may be shocked how much of a difference it makes when you pay attention. We have one client who came back to order a year later. Since African Fly can last 2 years if stored in a medicine cabinet at room temperature, he took it again after using less than half of the bottle.
The results…lets just say he never runs out of African Fly anymore.
I look forward to hearing from you!
African Fly