What Causes Impotence?
Contrary to previous belief, the majority of impotence cases have physical causes. In fact over 80% of all cases are due to physical factors. Less than 20% of impotence cases are due to psychological factors.
The main cause of impotence is poor blood supply to the penis. However, there are several other possible causes. Knowing the cause of your condition will help in the decision for treatment.
Blood Supply
The leading causes of impotence are conditions that affect the health and function of blood vessels (arteries and veins). These conditions include, but are not limited to:
· Diabetes
· High blood pressure
· Heart disease
· High cholesterol
· Circulation problems
Certain habits and lifestyle factors can also bring about impotence. These include:
· Smoking
· Certain medications (esp. antihypertensives)
· Alcoholism or drug abuse
These factors all have one major effect; they reduce the supply and circulation of blood to the penis.
To achieve and maintain an erection there must be an increase of blood inflow to the penis via the arteries. There must also be a decrease of blood outflow from the penis through the veins. Therefore anything which damages or impairs blood circulation to or from the penis may cause impotence.
Hormone Levels
The pituitary gland may fail to produce the hormones that encourage testosterone output. This failure results in low overall testosterone levels.
Testosterone may also become bound to other cells within the body. Research has shown an increase of bound testosterone in aging men.
Less than 20% of all cases of impotence have psychological (mind/emotion) causes. Stress from home or work, marital discord, or unresolved sexual orientation may lead to this form of erectile dysfunction.
Cases of psychological impotence may also be brought on by sporadic erection problems. Occasional erection problems can quickly lead to a fear of sexual performance that leaves the man effectively impotent.
Other causes
Surgery, injury, or trauma to the pelvic area may cause damage to nerves or blood vessels in the genital region.
Disease or infection of erectile tissue in the penis can impair erectile function.
Peyronie’s disease is scar tissue that causes an abnormal bending of the penis.
Any of these conditions can cause impotence. Visit your physician for an accurate diagnosis and to discuss your choices for treatment or correction.