If you want to get your erections back naturally and permanently, then you need to get your health back. Being a sexual performance coach with African Fly for the past 20 years of course I DO get the question, “How long does it take to get my erections back?”
How long it takes until you get your erections back, of course depends on you. However, we’ve outlined some general guidelines you can use. Specifically, how to determine where you are on the sexual performance scale of 1 to 10, how your body works towards getting healthy erections, what you can do to speed up your progress and what will slow you down.
If You Don’t Know Where You Are, You Can’t Get to Where You’re Going
There are many levels of erectile dysfunction. That is why at African Fly we decided to create the Sexual Performance Scale. It allows us to work with guys quickly and it’s also a way for you to measure your progress or lack thereof.
It is based on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the highest and one being the lowest. Ten means basically you have an on demand, spontaneous and reliable erections, and a one being basically nothing is working, you’re just straight impotent.
Most guys that African Fly works with are between a 5 and a 7 which means basically you’re just unreliable.
How to Use the Sexual Performance Scale
Be Honest About Where You Are on the Scale
It’s important to be honest with yourself about this because it helps you figure out where you are and what you can do to move forward. It also is necessary to understand where you are in terms of, are you on an upward spiral or downward spiral?
The Upward Spiral means you’re doing the things you’re supposed to do as far as sleep, getting your exercise and getting your relaxation and eating correctly. If you’re on an upward spiral, these things can help you out very quickly.
The Downward Spiral is you just sort of gave up. You’re just doing whatever. I’m going to sit on the couch, I’m going to watch this game, I’m going to eat whatever I feel like eating. If you’re on a downward spiral, you have to do some work to change your lifestyle. If you’re just doing stuff to maintain, over the long run you are on the downward spiral because you are aging.
How Your Body Works for Healthy Erections
Here are some basic facts about your body. Your penis is an indicator of your health. You have the smallest veins down there, so if your body is not functioning correctly, that’s one of the first indicators there is. Getting your erections back is about getting your health back. If you’re using Viagra or gas station pills, or you’re part of the magical pill cult, it just ends up masking the problem and can cause even more problems.
Also, did you know….
- The lining of your stomach and intestine changes every five days.
- You get a new skin every two weeks.
- Your liver regenerates every two years.
- And most importantly you hypothalamus, which sends a signal from your brain down to your testes to release more testosterone happens every 60 to 90 minutes. That’s pretty often.
Diet & Lifestyle Changes for Better Erections
How Long it Takes
How long it takes depends on where you are starting & if you are the upward or downward cycle. Of course, the lower you are on the sexual performance scale, the longer it’s going to take for you to get back up. And getting and staying at a 10 takes work the older you get, because let’s just face it. When you’re young the testosterone masks everything, that’s the reason why you could have some drinks and then go have sex. You could avoid sleep, and go to work the next day without a problem. You could eat whatever you wanted to. Those days will eventually, hopefully come to an end because you’re going to get older. Yeah, that’s a good thing.
And obviously your testosterone and your blood flow. When it comes to your testosterone, we’re talking about your sleep, what you eat, what level of stress you’re at, and of course, the type of exercises that you’re doing. When it comes to blood flow, we’re talking about inflammation. That’s what stopping the blood from going through your body correctly, throughout your entire body, including your penis.
But, let’s break it down into an example:
EXAMPLE: How to Go From Level 5 to Level 8 in 21 Days
If you are a 5, things are not working, it’s just 50/50, you just don’t know when you’ll be functioning correctly. If you’re being consistent, and that’s the key, being consistent, be honest with yourself, then you can move from a 5 to an 8 in 21 days.
Do These Things to Move UP The Scale:
Sleep for 9 to 10 hours. If you’re sleeping from nine to 10 hours, every extra hour that you’re sleeping, you’re increasing your testosterone by 15%, that testosterone kicks on at about 4:00 AM in the morning, so that’s part of your circadian rhythm, et cetera, et cetera. But yeah, you want to get those extra hours of sleep for that testosterone.
Do intermittent fasting daily. You’re not eating for 16 hours out of the day, and you’re eating just during an eight hour window, basically skipping breakfast, but that’s going to increase your testosterone by 180%.
Lift Heavy or Do HIIT. When you lift heavy and you do high intensity interval training for those three to four days a week, overall you’re going to improve your testosterone. You’re tearing the muscles and as you sleep, your body’s repairing those muscles, providing more testosterone.
Use herbal tinctures. That’s what African Fly is. It can help move you up a point on the scale by itself. Mainly if you’re on the upward spiral.
Meditate. Meditation is going to help reduce stress, reduce cortisol that’s in your body, and cortisol is the enemy of testosterone, and of course the bursting and burning of testosterone is what fuels an erection.
And most importantly eat a whole plant based diet. Why I say that, because when you eat a whole plant based diet you actually reduce the inflammation in your body by 28% in three weeks, in 21 days.
These Things Will Slow DOWN Your Progress
Excess fat isgoing to slow down this process. If you drink a lot of alcohol, that’s definitely going to slow down the process because alcohol is a poison. It just happens to make you feel woozy.
Stress definitely causes some issues with that, so you have to look to get rid of the stress and also use meditation to get rid of stress internally.
High sugar and high insulin is going to lower your testosterone levels. Age can make a difference in how quickly you can turn this around.
Constant masturbation. When you masturbate, you’re draining your sexual energy, your sexual power. Watch Erectile Dysfunction and Masturbation: Two Things You Should Know
I recommend doing things like all day foreplay, just call up your girls, just talk sexy to each other. If you could do it, just do travel time, go away, be away from the rut, be away from the daily grind, and that’ll help a lot.
In a Nutshell
How long it takes to get back your erection depends on where you are on the scale, and are you on the upward cycle or the downward cycle. Because it’s all about getting your health back. You can go from a five to eight in 21 days, if you are consistently getting that sleep for eight to 10 hours. Do intermittent fasting daily. Eat a whole plant based diet, lift heavy and or do high intensity interval training is four to five days a week. Use herbal tinctures and get that meditation in so you can reduce that stress.
And of course you don’t have to always just shoot for 10 and stressing yourself out for a 10, because that defeats the purpose.