Your Man Power Comes From the Middle
If you really, really want to have better sex, then you must read this lesson on using your biggest sex muscle…your stomach. Don’t cheat yourself another day! This is THE best way to get better now…
You don’t need to have a six pack to have better sex, but you do need the power and endurance to thrust, pull, change position and do it again. Here is what it takes to use your stomach to penetrate the best parts of sex.
Here is the scenario…
You have been faithfully using the techniques in this blog and the sex has already started to get better. You are lasting longer; she appreciates the extra manhood you are giving her…
You want to make it better. Good! Let’s start at the source. This time it isn’t your penis that you need to work
on. It is your stomach.
Wait! Wait!
Before you go into the “I hate stomach exercises” or “I don’t have the money to buy the latest TV stomach machine” thought process, let me give you the real deal on your stomach.
Your Stomach Controls Sex
OK. I know you are thinking I have taken things too far. It is the penis that controls sex. Right? Not exactly. Your penis is the tool. Your stomach is the man power. Think about it…
Your stomach controls just about every motion connected to your penis, especially when you are having sex. The in and out motion we love is controlled by your stomach and the hip-flexors.
Your hip-flexors provide the power to your legs and even helps you run faster, which makes a huge difference in just about every sexual position you can name. I’ll put it to you this way. Chest and arm muscles will get her to pay attention. Stomach muscles will have her begging for more (or falling fast asleep after a good session).
Your stomach is the easiest muscle group to train…
It really is. And here is why. Your abs is constantly in a state of contraction. You need them to stand, bend, sit down and hold your insides… well inside.
That is why they have more endurance than any other muscle group. This is the reason why they are the easiest to train.
But let’s be clear on our goal…
I am not suggesting you try to get on the cover of Muscles and Fitness. You want better sex! The endurance for better sex comes from your mid-section.
To get that endurance and extra power in your hips…just do it. If you do 20 sit ups right now and keep doing them for the next two days I guarantee that you will be able to do 25 by day 4.
Consistent Exercise Means Consistently Better Sex
Being consistent is the key. Your abs respond very well to a little exercise. In three weeks you can easily be up to 40 sit-ups. No kidding! There are a wide range of stomach exercises and even more magazines that can show you how to do them all.
The point is just to make sure you do them every day or every other day. The cool thing is that most people don’t know how easy it is. While that huge muscle guy is benching 300 pounds, you can show him up by doing 50 to 60 sit ups with out breaking a sweat.
As usual, I don’t give advice without trying it out myself. I have gone to the gym and worked out at home for the past month…making sure to do at least 15 minutes on my stomach. The results…I can now do:
1) 70 sit ups (started at 20)
2) 40 hanging leg raises (started at 10)
3) 65 leg raises (started at 20)
Even more important is that the sex is much, much better. You don’t get tired quickly. You have enough force to penetrate more and (this is the kicker) when you have an orgasm, it goes flying across the room. Is all that exercise worth it? Definitely! This is one routine you should not stop doing.